RareMed’s values consist of eight carefully selected paired principles that define how we conduct our business. Each value is a pillar that supports our ability to provide award-winning patient care and employee satisfaction. Each quarter, RareMed’s Values and Culture Committee selects a value to highlight. For that quarter, initiatives are driven to further instill the selected value into day to day life at RareMed.
For the summer of 2022, the Values and Culture Committee have selected the RareMed value “Respectful Culture.” RareMed defines a respectful culture as fostering a culture of humility, gratitude, and trust. Though we are proud of our impressive growth and internal advancements recently, it’s important to ensure our employees know that they are more than number to RareMed and to each other, and that championing an environment of respect is crucial towards continuing to provide top-notch support. RareMed takes pride in ensuring that employees understand they are a valuable asset. Our culture promotes fair treatment, thoughtful recognition, and open lines of communication.
A variety of initiatives have been proposed that will be rolled out throughout the summer. First to roll out was a new internal communications etiquette initiative. As companies grow, it can become easy to disregard etiquette with regards to managing schedules, meetings, and communications with one another. As such, RareMed has incorporated into company policy a variety of principles that employees must know and follow to treat each other’s schedules with respect. RareMed employees are encouraged to highlight examples of team members living up to these ideals using the company’s internal recognition platform.
More initiatives are planned for the remainder of the summer to continue to foster the Respectful Culture value.